I was reading a really interesting article regarding this subject of professionalism and etiquitte when it comes to boudaries regarding whether or not it was ethical for a reporter to be getting a photo autographed by a sports star. you can read more about this autograph photo story here
as i thought it was an interesting topic to discuss and perhaps elaborate on as the general boundaries ar eone that should be maintained as it can really annoy the patient fans who wait for their favourite sports star to sign a photo or simply autograph a piece of paper or a programme and not even a photo.
I think the ppoint of the story is that as a reporter you are supposed to be objective and impartial to a degree so the appearance that you maybe starstruck is perhaps a game you should not be giving away. now hey if its for your kids then i say go for it, but i reckon that if the sports star is just that - namely a star then my guess is that the autograph is for himself and not for one of his kids.
i mean imagine if the same thing was occuring for a politician, then that would be like putting your head on the block as to the viewing audience you would be nailing your colours to the mast, and like shouting hey i am a conservative, so how is it any different for a sports star?
simple, it isnt.
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